in AgdaThis little post arises from a small exercise we’ve done while at
Oracle Labs, when we (myself, Mark Moir, Harold Carr and Lisandra Silva)
were working on formal verification of authenticated data structures and
needed to reason about the hash of certain compound structs. It is often
the case one needs to combine two or more values and feed the result to
a hash function. For the sake of this discussion, say we are writing
some Haskell function hashL
that is supposed to combine a
list of ByteString
s into a finite length bitstring in a
collision resistant fashion. We say a hash function
is collision resistant iff it is computationally
infeasible to find two distinct inputs x
and y
such that h x == h y
In the remainder of this post we’ll assume hash
is a
collision resistant hash function and will explore how to construct a
function hashL
that receives a list and produces a hash.
The final objective is to construct hashL
to be collision
A bad first approximation for hashL
could be:
hashL :: [ByteString] -> Hash
= hash (concat bs) hashL bs
Even though hash
is itself collision resistant, since
is not injective, we can easily show
is not collision resistant:
"abc", "de"] == hash (concat ["abc" , "de"])
hashL [== hash (concat ["ab" , "cde"])
== hashL ["ab", "cde"]
Using a field separator will not save us. Since the input
s can contain any character, one of the inputs
might contain the separator itself. For example, take:
= hash (concat $ intersperse ";" bs) hashL bs
It is still the case that hashL
is not collision
resistant: hashL ["a;b", "c"]
yields the same result as
hashL ["a", "b;c"]
The main issue is the non-injective concat
given concat xs == concat ys
, is is not necessarily the
case that xs == ys
. If we use some injective function
instead of concat, and define hashL
hash . encode
we can show that finding a collision for
requires finding a collision for
In practice, the encode
function is often some variant
of DER
from the ASN.1
standards. Encoding a value x
with DER
can be
thought of as something like:
concat [ tagTypeOf x , length (toByteString x) , toByteString x ]
Take Haskell’s Data.Serialize.encode
, for example, which
does something similar for encoding lists:
it prefixes the length of the list before encoding its elements, for
encode :: [ByteString] -> ByteString
= encodeWord64 (length as) ++ concatMap encodeS as
encode as where encodeS s = encodeWord64 (B.length s) ++ s
The encode
function above will work just fine in
practice as long as no bytestring in the input list exceeds the maximum
size, in this case, 2^64
. This means that to prove
injectivity of this method we would need to constrain all inputs to
encode to less than the maximum number of bytes, otherwise the function
is not injective. This is at least a little inconvenient.
In fact, we will be switching to Agda for disussing the injevtivity
proof, we also assume some Agda (or any other depentently typed
language) experience from the reader. Let us warm up with the necessary
definitions to talk about ByteString
s, defined as a list of
data Bit : Set where
: Bit
: Set
ByteString = List (Vec Bit 8)
: Set
BitString = List Bit BitString
The DER approach mentioned above would yield an injectivity lemma modulo some constraint on the lengths of the inputs. It could be captured by someting like the following Agda type:
(xs ys : List ByteString)
→ All (\ x → length x < MaxLen) xs
→ All (\ y → length y < MaxLen) ys
→ encode xs == encode ys
→ xs == ys
The type above reads “for all lists xs
such that all elements of xs
) have length smaller than MaxLen
is injective”. Using this to reason about complex
usages of encode
will quickly become intractable as we
would have to keep carrying proofs about the lengths of the input
As it turns out, there is an easier option. We can encode the list
structure, with codes for (:)
and []
directly. This can be thought of as something like toJSON
for example. Instead of dealing with complex formats, we will add two
bits for every byte in the original input. These two bits will
distinguish three situations, observed in the
Agda function below.
: ByteString → BitString
toBitString-tag = O ∷ O ∷ []
toBitString-tag [] (b ∷ bs) = I ∷ O ∷ Vec-toList b ++ toBitString-tag' bs
: ByteString → BitString
toBitString-tag' = map (\ x → I ∷ I ∷ x) toBitString-tag'
Finally, the encode
function can be given by:
: List ByteString -> BitString
encode = concat ∘ List-map toBitString-tag encode
But why is it injective? How do we prove it? Let us calculate what
would it take to have encode
produce two equal results for
different lists. We start with:
encode ([a] ∷ c) ≡ encode ([b₀ , b₁] ∷ d)
Which is definitionally equal to:
toBitString-tag [a] ++ encode c ≡ toBitString-tag [b₀ , b₁] ++ encode d
Another definitional equality, reducing toBitString-tag
1 0 a₀ ⋯ a₇ ++ encode c ≡ 1 0 b₀₀ ⋯ b₀₇ 1 1 b₁₀ ⋯ b₁₇ ++ encode d
Since ++
is injective for same-length prefixes – if
xs ++ ys == ws ++ zs
length xs == length ws
, then xs == ws
ys == zs
– the equality above holds if and only if:
aᵢ ≡ b₀ᵢ
for i <- [0..7]
encode c ≡ 1 1 b₁₀ ⋯ b₁₇ ++ encode d
Note however, that whatever the input, encode
always yield a bitstring with 10
at the head, hence, it is
impossible for (2) above to hold. This is good: we’ve sketched a proof
that encode ([a] ∷ c) ≡ encode ([b₀ , b₁] ∷ d)
impossible based on the invariant that encode x
starts with 10
and by reasoning over
xs ++ ys == ws ++ zs
. This gives us the blueprint we need
to move towards an Agda proof.
The Agda proof relies heavily on reasoning about about
xs ++ ys == ws ++ zs
, where we infer that xs
is a prefix of ws
or vice-versa. In Agda, we write that a
list is a prefix of another through the datatype below:
data _≺_ {a}{A : Set a} : List A → List A → Set where
: ∀{xs} → [] ≺ xs
z≺n : ∀{x xs ys} → xs ≺ ys → (x ∷ xs) ≺ (x ∷ ys) s≺s
A value of type xs ≺ ys
represents a proof that
is a prefix of ys
. In other words, there
exists zs
such that xs ++ zs = ys
. Moreover,
we can extract the zs
directly from the proof:
: ∀{a}{A : Set a}{xs ys : List A} → xs ≺ ys → List A
≺-drop {ys = ys} z≺n = ys
≺-drop (s≺s a) = ≺-drop a ≺-drop
Next, we capture this reasoning over the hypothesis that some
xs ++ ys
coincides with some ws ++ zs
a universal property:
: ∀{a}{A : Set a}(xs ws : List A){ys zs : List A}
++-≺ → xs ++ ys ≡ ws ++ zs
→ Σ (xs ≺ ws) (λ prf → ≺-drop prf ++ zs ≡ ys)
(ws ≺ xs) (λ prf → ≺-drop prf ++ ys ≡ zs) ⊎ Σ
Note that besides returning whether xs
is a prefix of
or vice-versa, we additionally return a universal
characterization for ys
(resp zs
). The proof
of ++-≺
is a straightforward induction on both
and ws
Next, we need a proof that if toBitString-tag a
is a
prefix of toBitString-tag b
, then either a = b
or the suffix of toBitString-tag b
that arises from
removing the prefix toBitString-tag a
starts with
toBitString-tag-≺: ∀{a b}
→ (a≺bbs : toBitString-tag a ≺ toBitString-tag b)
→ a ≡ b ⊎ ∃[ tail ] (≺-drop a≺bbs ≡ I ∷ I ∷ tail)
Proving toBitString-tag-≺
above requires two lemmas. One
about how xs ++ ys ≺ ws ++ zs
implies ys ≺ zs
when length xs == length ws
. The second one is exactly like
but concerns the auxiliary
The observation that encode
never starts with
is trivial to prove:
: ∀ as {bs} → true ∷ true ∷ bs ≢ encode as
encode-[]⊎tf ([] ∷ as) ()
encode-[]⊎tf ((_ ∷ _) ∷ as) () encode-[]⊎tf
Finally, we have all the necesary tools to prove that
is injective.
: ∀ xs ys → encode xs ≡ encode ys → xs ≡ ys encode-inj
The proof goes by induction on xs
and ys
as expected.
(a ∷ as) (b ∷ bs) hyp
encode-inj with ++-≺ (toBitString-tag a) (toBitString-tag b) hyp
...| inj₁ (a≺b , prf)
with toBitString-tag-≺ a≺b
...| inj₁ refl = cong (a ∷_) (encode-inj as bs ...)
...| inj₂ (tail , aux) rewrite aux = ⊥-elim (encode-[]⊎tf as prf)
(a ∷ as) (b ∷ bs) hyp
encode-inj | inj₂ (b≺a , prf) = -- symmetric
If you come accross the need to use a hash function to combine multiple values and, moreover, you need to rely on collision resistance of this construction, make sure you reason carefully about how you are writing this.
All in all, this was a fun Agda excercise and illustrates well the process of solving a problems with Agda. We first find the relations we need, then encode them in suitable datatypes (list prefixes in our case) and only then go on to actually proving things.